Contact us.
2nd Friday each month
Meeting starts at 9:30 AM
Dottie’s Restaurant
5275 Babcock St NE
Palm Bay, FL 32905
We lost a member, Hope Butz. Her last field trip in March 2024

Club Goals
Promote and encourage interest in horticulture, conservation, beautification, civic participation, and cooperation, not only among garden club members, but also among all of the residents in the community.
Be recognized as an asset of the community and as an example of graciousness and beauty to all.
Club General Information
MEETINGS: Meetings will be held on the second Friday of each month, September through May, unless announced differently. Coffee and refreshments will be served at 9:00 A.M from the menu.
WORKSHOPS AND/OR FIELD TRIPS: These will be held on the fourth Friday of each month or changed as necessary from September through April.
DUES: The dues for each calendar year shall be $20.00, payable in advance for an active member and $25.00 for couples. They are payable no later than the April meeting each year. No dues will be accepted at the Spring Luncheon. Dues are delinquent after May 31st. There will be a $2.00 penalty if they are late. New members that join during the year are not charged a penalty.
GUESTS: Guests are invited to all general meetings.
COMMITTEES: Committees are to meet as arranged by the chairperson. The president will attend all meetings, or as many as possible.
BIRTHDAYS: Contributions to the birthday cake made during the month of one’s birthday shall be used by the Sunshine Committee. Illness or death of a member should be reported to the Sunshine Committee Chairperson. If your birthday falls in the months that we don’t meet, we would love the contribution at our September meeting
MEMBER OBLIGATIONS: Any member unable to fulfill a work assignment, including that of Hostess or hostess committee member, must provide a substitute.
SOUTH BREVARD GARDEN CLUB ASSOCIATION: Every member of our club is also a member of the and is invited to all their functions. Our club will host one meeting a year for SBGCA and it will be at the Fee Library unless otherwise notified.
Meetings will be held September through May, unless announced differently.