Next Scheduled Event

We are gardeners with diverse backgrounds and come from many different cities. Like you, we have many interests and enjoy sharing, learning, and creating with others.

WE MEET on the first Friday of each month from September thru May at the Eau Gallie Library, 1521 Pineapple Avenue, Melbourne, FL 32935.

WE START our program of fascinating presenters at 10:00 a.m., but we encourage everyone to arrive earlier to enjoy social time. After the program, we have a general club business meeting. We adjourn at noon. After adjournment, we have an informal plant exchange in case members bring something from home to share. Some people then have lunch at a nearby Eau Gallie Arts District restaurant.

Established in 1927, our club is a member of the nearly 100-year-old Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc., District VI, Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc., the regional organization, and National Garden Clubs, the national leadership organization. Membership in our club automatically connects you with the other clubs and all the programs they offer to garden club members.

FFGC | District VI | Deep South Garden Clubs | National Garden Clubs

Drop us a line to chat or let us know if you wish to attend a meeting that is open to the public.



President Lydia Barbour

1st Vice-President Kathryn Merry

2nd Vice-President Nancy Kozel

Recording Secretary Janet Anderson

Corresponding Secretary Christine Bamberger

Co-Treasurers Charles Higdon and Don Clements

Parliamentarian Kathryn Merry


Our current projects include providing homeowners with a basket of garden-related items through a partnership with Habitat for Humanity, collecting for National Garden Club’s Penny Pines, which contributes money for forest restoration in the U.S., replacing an original Blue Star Memorial Marker, and planting a tree on Florida’s Arbor Day, January 19, 2024.


The mission of the Melbourne Garden Club is to further the education of its members and the public in the fields of gardening, horticulture, botany, floral design, landscape design, and environmental awareness, and to instill in our youth and community the love of gardening and respect for and protection of the environment. Members enjoy educational monthly programs, field trips, workshops, and plant exchanges.